en : I need bvacation/b or a day-off! Delray Beach I miss you 07/14/09 07:03pm. en : #flylady Where is your laundry? In the washer getting smelly? In the dryer getting wrinkled? or are you living out of a laundry basket? 07/14/09 07:03pm b....../b en : @iSpacemanSpiff bchayka/b work or bchayka/b home? 07/12/09 01:44pm. en : Heading out to Superweek race #2 - Elgin Road Race, 50 miles - not quite sure how I feel, or how it suits me but really want a decent result 07/12/09 01:44pm ...
The killers specifically targeted British and American visitors when they attacked the Oberoi and Taj Mahal luxury bhotels/b, ordering receptionists to give them a list of the names and room numbers of all British and US guests and b..../bbChayki/b Rosenberg described her sister as dedicated to helping Jews. She "gives lots of classes for women at the Chabad House," Rosenberg told The Jerusalem Post. Friends described her as always having a positive outlook and a kind word for ...